I ain't talking about the faces of the moon, No werewolves here ladies!

I am talking about the highlighted white face mess that comes with the photos and the dreaded FLASH!!

In this picture I am wearing a highlighted setting powder which gives my skin a white glow (hence the name Moon Face)
Obviously if you take a picture up close with a heavy flash its gonna mess up your face but if it taken at arms length and you still look like a moon then its probably your make-up.
The causes:
1. High SPF
2. Shimmer
3. 100% Silica
4. Sheer light make-up
1. The SPF ingredient that causes flashback is Titanium Dioxide. However you really only need to avoid any foundation that makes SPF claims. Low levels may be "flash" safe.
Titanium Dioxide added to zinc oxide to create an SPF factor. If you see "zinc oxide" in the foundation's ingredient listing you might have a problem.
Most mineral foundation have SPF because minerals are natural sun protection, so read the ingredients. Avoid Titanium Dioxide and zinc oxide which true mineral foundation will usually have. Day to day is fine but it wont work with flash at night.
2. Shimmer and light reflection can also mess up the photos for you, Matte foundation will always look best. However if you want to add highlight to your face opt for a cream highlighter and only apply it to the high points of the face.
3. 100% Silica powders like ELF and Makeupforever HD powder can cause that white flash. Elf HD isn't as bad a MUFE because it not 100% Silica. You could possible get away with a small amount but its hard to know how much it too much without testing it and once you go over you can't take it off without taken all your make-up off and starting over.
4. You will also have to wear a little bit extra make-up because flash is like an xray for make-up. It might look like you are wearing a little too much but with flash you will look just right!